Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Ally Pally Stash

Well seeing as everyone is showing there lovely stash they bought at Ally Pally i thought i would join in too!! I did go overboard, lol and infact there are some bits i bought there that aren't in the piccy as they have already made there way onto my desk...lurking somewhere lol!

In my defence, i don't get to go craft shopping much & i had saved up from my card sales!! Hehehe no excuses i know... now just gotta get using it all!!!
It was great to see soooo many people at Ally Pally and catch up with old friends, i had such a fabulous day out, well worth the wait & chaos!

1 comment:

  1. We will forgive you Kitty, we are all the same when we get to these craft shows. Fabulous goodies by the looks. with love and hugs Shirleyxxx


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