Wednesday, 7 May 2008

and the WINNER IS.....

I have just done a draw using custom random number generator!

The Winner is........... Zoe aka Craftyheaven!! You have won the Blog Candy, congratulations!!! Please meail me ( with your address and chosen bella :)

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to every that entered!! I will be giving away some more blog candy soon!!

Oh and WATCH THIS SPACE, something exclusive and exciting is going to happen soon!!!!!!!


  1. Yippppeeeeeeeeee!!!! I never win anything!! Thank you soo much sweetie!! Hoorayyyyyy!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats Zoe! What's the big news Kitty?? Will be checking daily for your update!!


Hi, Thanks for looking at my blog, please leave me a comment & i will check out your blog :) Hugs, Kitty xx