Thursday, 23 August 2007

Sad Time

Unfortunately i am having some major family problems at the moment so i haven't and probably won't for a few days make anything or post much, sorry!!

Check back over the weekend and hopefully i will be happier and will have made some new things! I did however have a couple of deliveries today including a bind it all machine and some lovely stamps so hopefully i will get to play with them soon :)

In the meantime, check out the other great blogs i stalk, truly amazing designers on there!!!


  1. Ahhh, sorry to hear you're having a difficult time at the moment, my thoughts are with you, big {{{hugs}}} to you.


  2. Chin up sweetie, we are here for you, you know that xx

    Bind it all, you jammy mushroom, I will have to come and play!!!! lol

  3. Just sending a hug, life it tough sometimes but it makes us stronger in the long run. ((( HUGS )))) Caz

  4. Hi Kitty,

    You don't really know me but I am an avid lurker on your Blog, love your cards and your shop! I just wanted to say sorry that you are having a not so nice time at the moment and hope everything resolves itself soon. Thank you for putting a link to my Blog on your Blog, it has really made my day!! :-)


Hi, Thanks for looking at my blog, please leave me a comment & i will check out your blog :) Hugs, Kitty xx