Thursday, 9 August 2007

Bellas are here!

We have just received our first shipment of Bellas in the shop today.... we have 17 different designs to start off with. We are only allowed to sell these in the shop, not on our website, but if you would like to know which ones we have available pleasde feel free to email me and i will send you a list!

We also had Hero Arts arrive today... i haven't had a chance to look at them really as i have been so busy repricing everything!!

The other great news is that we have a new DT Member.... Stamping Caz, make sure you check our her blog, she has some really fab designs and we can't wait to see what she comes up with with the bits we have for her!! So we now have 4 DT Members - Alex, Katy, Sandie and now Caz.... with the new website being revamped its gonna be soooo great, i am so looking forward to it!

The other fab news is that my Stipple Rose & Penguin Paradise finally arrived.... hurrah, its been months, it got lost etc but it finally arrive :) :) Can't wait to play.... *sigh*.... when i have the time!

Last night i choked on some food and made my cough bad again, lol so i was feeling better buts it been delayed and i feel bad again, its not been too bad today but i was coughing last night!

I promise more designs soon... once we have sorted out the sale in the shop!!!

1 comment:

  1. ooooh now I am excited about the Bellas!!

    Such a shame that you can't sell on your website as I can't get to your shop :(


Hi, Thanks for looking at my blog, please leave me a comment & i will check out your blog :) Hugs, Kitty xx