Wednesday 25 September 2013

Camera Time

Hello, i am back today as promised with my latest Dreamees card. I decided to go all monochrome for this card and kept it simple so it could be for the awkwards males in our lives! 
The background paper is from the Simply Sweet CD Rom although you could also use the Script stamp if your super good at lining up! The camera, filmstrip and sentimetn are all from the Camera Stamp Set which you can pick up for only £3 - total bargain! It is also perfect for smashbooks and mini books too. I added a charm and some pearls. Now i have to go buy more Grey Copics as they all ran out when i did this...oopsy!

I will be back soon :)
Kitty xx

1 comment:

  1. stunning card kitty.i love the camera and fab design and charm :D

    xx coops xx


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